The Future of Remote Work

Since 2020, there has been a significant expansion of remote work, disrupting long-established travel patterns and behaviors. More importantly, the newfound freedom for remote workers to decide when and where they work has created a stronger link between how they travel and how their organizations function.


  • Remote work statistics
  • Top remote worktrends
  • Tips for Successfully Managing Remote Workers
  • FAQ

Remote work statistics

Over the past decade, remote work has seen remarkable growth, with a staggering increase of 91% (Global Workplace Analytics)

A significant 24% of individuals are willing to forgo a portion of their salaries, ranging from 10% to 20%, in exchange for the freedom to work from any location of their choice (FlexJobs).

There was a remarkable surge of 457% in the number of remote job advertisements.  (LinkedIn)

Working remotely has proven to have a substantial impact on employee loyalty, with 81% of individuals expressing a stronger allegiance to their employers (FlexJobs)

A remarkable 91% of people experience increased employee morale when they have the option to enjoy a flexible work schedule (MerchantSavvy)

35% of individuals occasionally experience feelings of loneliness and isolation when working from home. And 29% of people report motivation issues, with concerns about hindered career growth opportunities stemming from a lack of networking (Statista)

Top remote worktrends

Work-Life Balance Over Higher Pay

Remote work offers employees substantial benefits, including spending more time with family and friends, saving on commute costs and time, and providing a sense of safety. Destination-based remote work is on the rise, with businesses setting up offices in picturesque tourist spots.

Remote Work Adoption

Remote work has become ubiquitous, thanks to the pandemic. Even those not in the workforce now understand the concept. It has become the norm for employees.

Rise in Freelancing

Almost half (47.00%) of the global workforce is now self-employed, driven by layoffs, furloughs, and career challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork are gaining momentum, and industries are outsourcing more to cut costs, with IT outsourcing expected to reach $519 billion and business process outsourcing $212 billion by the end of 2023 ( Demandsage)

Heightened Concerns About Cybersecurity

A lot of companies consider cybersecurity more critical post-pandemic due to increased use of remote work software and cloud computing.

Permanence of Hybrid Work Models

The hybrid work model is favored by employees who like the flexibility of remote work but face distractions at home. Some employers also have security concerns about fully remote work, leading to the adoption of hybrid models.

Focus on Employee Well-Being

Improving employee well-being is a top priority for corporate executives, as it impacts employee efficiency. Remote work offers benefits but also poses challenges like maintaining work-life balance and unplugging after work.

Job Loss Trends

Lockdowns and economic disruptions have pushed many into extreme poverty, leading to layoffs by companies struggling to cover expenses. Major tech giants, including Twitter, Facebook, and Google, have initiated substantial layoffs in 2023.

Tips for Successfully Managing Remote Workers

Most of the employees at GetTransfer work remotely and from different parts of the world. Therefore, our company follows various rules for working with remote employees. Here are some tips from our HR experts:

Set Clear Expectations

Clearly communicate job roles, responsibilities, and performance expectations. Establish guidelines for working hours, availability, and deadlines. This clarity helps remote workers understand what’s expected of them.

Create a Communication Plan

Develop a structured communication strategy outlining when and how to communicate. Choose appropriate communication tools (email, video calls, chat apps) and set expectations for response times.

Regular Check-Ins

Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with remote employees to discuss progress, address concerns, and provide feedback. These meetings help maintain a personal connection and ensure alignment.

Encourage Self-Management

Empower remote workers to manage their own schedules and tasks. Trust them to be accountable for their work, and avoid micromanaging.

Promote Work-Life Balance

Encourage remote employees to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Encourage regular breaks, set boundaries, and avoid overworking. Lead by example in this regard.

Provide Resources

Ensure remote workers have the necessary resources, including hardware, software, and training. Address any technical issues promptly to minimize disruptions.

Foster Team Collaboration

Facilitate team collaboration through virtual meetings, shared documents, and collaboration tools. Encourage remote workers to connect and collaborate with colleagues.

Provide Growth Opportunities

Offer remote workers opportunities for professional development, training, and career advancement. Help them see a future within the organization.

Security and Data Privacy

Ensure that remote workers understand and follow security and data privacy protocols. Educate them on cybersecurity best practices to protect company information.

Monitor Performance

Use data and key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess remote employees’ performance. Adjust strategies as needed to improve outcomes.

Stay Informed

Keep up-to-date with remote work trends and best practices. The remote work landscape is continuously evolving, so adapt your approach as needed.


How do you replicate offline events?

Explore platforms specifically designed for online networking, such as Hopin, Remo, or Airmeet, which facilitate networking sessions and virtual booths.

What is the biggest challenge of remote teams?

If team members are located in different time zones, coordinating meetings, collaboration efforts, and response times becomes more complex. Scheduling conflicts and delays in communication can impede productivity.

Will Productivity Go Down?

85% of organizations confirm that productivity has increased in their business as a result of greater flexibility.

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