2024-08-01  /  

Five Commonly Forgotten Items in Taxis

Five Commonly Forgotten Items in Taxis

1 August, 2024


Taxis offer a convenient mode of transportation, especially in bustling cities where owning a car might not be practical. However, in the rush of getting in and out of a cab, many passengers tend to forget their belongings. This article highlights five commonly forgotten items in taxis and provides practical tips on how to avoid losing them. By understanding these common pitfalls and implementing simple preventative measures, you can make your taxi rides smoother and stress-free.


1. Mobile Phones

The Most Frequently Forgotten Item

Mobile phones are undoubtedly the most forgotten item in taxis. According to a survey by Uber, thousands of phones are left behind in their cars annually. The reasons for this range from being distracted upon arrival to hurriedly exiting the vehicle. Mobile phones have become an integral part of our lives, holding personal, professional, and sensitive information. Losing a phone can disrupt daily activities, causing unnecessary stress and inconvenience.

Real-Life Example

A recent incident involved a businessman who left his phone in a taxi while on his way to a crucial meeting. The phone contained important documents and contacts, causing significant inconvenience and stress. He had to go through the tedious process of contacting the taxi company, verifying his identity, and arranging for the return of his phone, which delayed his work and personal schedule significantly.

How to Prevent

To avoid forgetting your phone, always check the seat and surrounding area before exiting. Making it a habit to place your phone in a designated pocket or bag during the ride can also help. Setting a reminder on your phone to alert you just before your destination can serve as a prompt to check for your belongings. Additionally, consider using a phone case with a bright color or distinctive pattern, making it more noticeable and harder to forget.

2. Wallets and Purses

Essential Items Gone Missing

Wallets and purses come second on the list. These items are often placed on the seat or between the legs and can easily be forgotten when passengers hurry to leave. Wallets and purses hold essential items such as cash, credit cards, identification, and other personal effects. Losing them can result in financial loss and a significant amount of inconvenience and stress.

Real-Life Example

A tourist visiting New York City left her wallet in a taxi, losing not only cash but also her identification and credit cards. This mishap resulted in a lengthy process of canceling cards and obtaining a new ID. The tourist faced additional challenges as she had to prove her identity to access various services and accommodations, which were compounded by her unfamiliarity with the city.

How to Prevent

Before exiting the taxi, take a moment to ensure your wallet or purse is securely in your possession. Keeping these items in a zipped bag during your journey can reduce the risk of leaving them behind. Additionally, using a crossbody bag that remains on you throughout the ride can minimize the chance of forgetting it. Regularly checking that you have your wallet and purse during the ride can also serve as a good practice.

3. Keys

Small but Significant

Keys, though small, are highly significant and often forgotten. House keys, car keys, and office keys can easily slip out of pockets or bags and get left behind. Losing keys can lead to being locked out of homes, vehicles, or offices, necessitating calls to locksmiths and potential replacement costs, which can be both time-consuming and expensive.

Real-Life Example

An employee once left her office keys in a taxi, causing her to be locked out of her workplace until she could retrieve them. This incident resulted in lost productivity as she was unable to access necessary files and equipment for her work. The situation was further complicated by the need to coordinate with the taxi company and her office’s security protocols to regain access.

How to Prevent

Attach your keys to a larger, more noticeable item or keep them in the same place every time, such as a designated pocket or key holder in your bag. Using a keychain that is brightly colored or uniquely shaped can make it easier to spot. Additionally, checking for your keys before exiting the taxi and ensuring they are securely stored can help prevent them from being forgotten.

4. Laptops and Tablets

High-Value Items at Risk

Laptops and tablets, often used during rides for work or entertainment, are valuable items that can be forgotten. The cost and inconvenience of replacing such devices make this a particularly troublesome oversight. Losing these devices not only results in financial loss but also the potential loss of sensitive data, which can have significant personal and professional repercussions.

Real-Life Example

A college student left his laptop in a taxi after working on a project during the ride. The laptop contained crucial assignments and personal data, leading to significant distress. The student had to contact the taxi company, file a lost item report, and wait anxiously for the return of his device, which disrupted his academic schedule and caused considerable anxiety.

How to Prevent

Ensure your electronic devices are stored securely in a bag rather than left on the seat. Before exiting, double-check that all your belongings are with you. Using a laptop or tablet case with a distinctive design can make it more noticeable. Additionally, setting reminders on your phone or creating a mental checklist of your belongings before reaching your destination can help ensure nothing is left behind.

5. Umbrellas and Outerwear

Seasonal Items Easily Overlooked

Umbrellas and outerwear are often forgotten, especially during seasonal changes when they are not always needed. They are usually left behind during rainy days or when the weather unexpectedly changes. Losing these items can leave you unprepared for sudden weather changes and can be particularly inconvenient if the items are of high quality or sentimental value.

Real-Life Example

After a downpour, a commuter left her umbrella and coat in a taxi. When the rain resumed later, she was left without any protection. This incident not only caused immediate discomfort but also required the commuter to purchase new items to cope with the ongoing weather conditions, resulting in unnecessary expenditure.

How to Prevent

Before exiting, scan the back seat and ensure you have all your items, especially those that are not immediately needed. Keeping an inventory of your belongings can help you remember to take them with you. Developing a habit of visually and physically checking your surroundings for personal items before leaving the taxi can significantly reduce the chances of forgetting anything.

How to Train Your Memory and Avoid Forgetting Items

Forgetting personal items is often a result of being distracted or in a hurry. However, with some training and practice, you can enhance your memory and reduce the likelihood of leaving things behind. Here are some practical tips:

1. Create a Routine

Establish a routine for checking your belongings before leaving a taxi. Make it a habit to mentally review a checklist of essential items such as your phone, wallet, keys, and any other personal items. Consistently following this routine can help reinforce the habit, making it second nature over time.

2. Use Visual and Physical Cues

Visual and physical cues can serve as reminders to check your belongings. For instance, placing a bright sticker on your phone or using a distinctive keychain can make these items more noticeable. Additionally, physically touching each pocket or bag compartment before exiting can help ensure you haven’t missed anything.

3. Set Digital Reminders

Utilize technology to your advantage by setting digital reminders on your phone. You can set an alarm or a reminder notification to alert you a few minutes before your expected arrival, prompting you to check for your belongings. Apps that provide location-based reminders can also be useful in this regard.

4. Practice Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of your surroundings and actions. When riding in a taxi, try to stay focused on the present moment instead of being distracted by your phone or other activities. Mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing and paying attention to your senses, can help improve your overall awareness and memory.

5. Keep Items in Consistent Locations

Designate specific locations for your essential items and consistently store them there. For example, always keep your phone in the same pocket, your wallet in a particular compartment of your bag, and your keys on a specific keyring. This consistency can help reduce the likelihood of forgetting items, as you’ll develop a habit of checking these specific locations.


Forgetting items in taxis can be a common occurrence, but with a few mindful habits, it can be easily avoided. Always double-check your surroundings before exiting the vehicle, keep your belongings in consistent locations, and take a moment to ensure you have everything you brought with you. By adopting these simple practices, you can significantly reduce the chances of leaving important items behind. Remember, a few seconds of vigilance can save you from hours of inconvenience and stress. Safe travels!


Q: What should I do if I realize I've left something in a taxi?

A: As soon as you realize you’ve left something behind, contact the taxi company immediately. Provide them with details about your ride, including the taxi number, time of travel, and a description of the lost item. Many taxi companies have lost and found departments that can assist you.

Q: How can I contact the taxi company if I don't have their number?

A: If you don’t have the taxi company’s contact information, you can try to look up their number online. Additionally, if you booked your ride through a ride-hailing app, you can contact customer service through the app for assistance.

Q: What should I do if I cannot recover my lost item?

A: If you cannot recover your lost item, consider filing a police report, especially if the item is of significant value or contains sensitive information. Additionally, take steps to secure your personal information, such as canceling credit cards and changing passwords if necessary.

By being mindful and taking precautionary steps, you can ensure that your taxi rides are not only convenient but also free from the stress of lost belongings. Safe travels!